Why after 74 years of independence we need reservation on the basis of caste and how it can be removed?

 Why indian government not remove caste reservation


You may be wondering why the Indian government doesn't just remove caste reservation altogether. After all, it's been more than 70 years since it was first introduced, and it's patently clear that it's not working.

So why doesn't the government do something about it? The answer is complicated, and there are a number of factors at play. But primarily, it comes down to politics. There are a lot of people who benefit from caste reservation—politicians, bureaucrats, and members of the so-called "lower" castes who have been given preferential treatment for generations. It's a system that's deeply entrenched and difficult to change.

But that doesn't mean it can't be done. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why caste reservation still exists in India, and we'll discuss some of the potential solutions for finally ending this archaic system.

What Is Reservation Policy in India?

You might be wondering why the Indian government doesn't just remove caste reservation altogether. After all, it's been in place for decades and it's clearly not working.

But getting rid of reservation would be a huge undertaking. There are millions of people who benefit from it, and it's not as simple as just abolishing it. Plus, there are a lot of people who are in favor of reservation, and they would fight tooth and nail to keep it in place.

So what are the arguments for and against caste reservation? Let's take a look.

Why the Indian Government Should Not Remove Caste Reservation?

The Indian government has been discussing the possibility of removing caste reservation for some time now. There is a lot of debate on this issue, with people on both sides of the argument giving valid reasons why the reservation should or should not be removed.

Let's take a look at both sides of the argument. On one hand, you have people who argue that the reservation is no longer necessary because the caste system is no longer in place. They believe that, given the opportunity, people from lower castes will be able to succeed without the help of reservations.

On the other hand, you have people who argue that the reservation is still needed because caste discrimination is still prevalent in India. They believe that, without the reservation, people from lower castes will not be able to get ahead in life.

What do you think? Should the Indian government remove caste reservation?

The Need for Reservations in India

You might be wondering why the Indian government doesn't just remove caste reservations altogether. After all, it's been more than 60 years since they were introduced, and they're clearly not working.

But here's the thing: the Indian government knows that removing reservations would be a disaster. It would cause massive protests and violence all over the country. The social unrest would be unprecedented.

So, for the time being, the Indian government is going to keep caste reservations in place. They might not be perfect, but they're better than nothing. And hopefully, over time, they'll be phased out altogether.

The Role of Reservations in Indian Society

You may be wondering why the Indian government hasn't removed caste reservations yet. There are a few reasons for this.

First of all, caste reservations are a part of Indian society. They've been around for a long time, and people rely on them for their livelihoods. Second of all, the Indian government knows that the majority of the population supports caste reservations. And finally, the government knows that removing caste reservations would lead to a lot of upheaval and violence.

So it's not an easy decision to make. The government is stuck in a difficult situation, and it's not clear what the right solution is. But one thing is for sure—reservations are here to stay, at least for now.

The Impact of Reservations on Indian Economy

The impact of reservations on Indian economy is a hotly debated topic. On one hand, there are those who feel that the reservations have done more harm than good and that they should be removed altogether. On the other hand, there are those who feel that the reservations should be continued in their current form, or even extended to other communities.

What do you think? Do you think that the reservations should be removed, or continued in their current form?

The Benefits of Reservations for Indian People

There are many benefits to reservations in India. First, they provide a sense of belonging and community for Indian people. Reservations give us a sense of identity and pride in our culture and heritage.

Second, they provide a platform for people from marginalized communities to participate in the mainstream economy. Without reservations, these people would be left out of the workforce and the economy entirely. This would further marginalize them and keep them trapped in poverty.

Lastly, reservations help to level the playing field for Indian people. They give us a chance to compete equally with other groups in India. This is especially important given our history of discrimination and oppression.


The Indian government should remove caste reservation because it is a form of segregation that is no longer needed in today's society. Reservation Policy was created to help the SC/ST, but it has not helped them as much as it was supposed to. The government should come up with new policies that will help the SC/ST instead of reservation.

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