Why was Mandal Commission report became a hateable?

 Why was Mandal Commission report became a hateable?


The Mandal Commission report is a highly controversial document that was created to address the issue of caste-based reservations in India. The report was heavily criticized when it was first released, and it's still a source of tension today. So why was this document so hated?

There are a number of reasons why the Mandal Commission report became a hated document. Firstly, the report recommended that the government reserve 49.5% of all jobs for members of the lower castes. This recommendation was seen as an attack on the upper castes, who were already favored in Indian society. The report also proposed that Untouchables – a now abolished caste – be given special privileges and a higher quota of jobs.

Overall, the Mandal Commission report was seen as a threat to the status quo and it angered many people who felt that they were being unfairly targeted. The report continues to be a controversial topic today, with some people arguing that it should be implemented and others calling for it to be scrapped completely.

What Was the Mandal Commission?

The Mandal Commission was set up in India in 1979 to look into the issue of caste-based reservations in government jobs. The report, which was finally published in 1990, made a lot of recommendations, including that the reservations be increased from 27% to 49%.

You might be wondering why such a report would become the source of so much anger and controversy. Well, here's the thing: The upper castes, who were largely unaffected by the reservations, saw the recommendations as a direct attack on their interests. And they were vocal about their opposition, launching protests and accusing the commission of promoting nepotism.

Ultimately, the Mandal Commission report became a hated document because it challenged the status quo and posed a serious threat to those who benefited from it.

What Were Its Key Recommendations?

You may be wondering why the Mandal Commission report became a hated document.

Well, one of the key reasons was because of its recommendations. The Mandal Commission proposed that the government implement a reservation policy for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in all central universities and institutions of higher education.

This recommendation was met with a lot of opposition, with some people arguing that it would lead to a decline in the standards of these institutions. Others claimed that it would benefit only a small segment of society and not the broader population.

As you can see, the recommendations made by the Mandal Commission were divisive and caused a lot of controversy.

Why Did It Become Such a Controversial Document?

So why was the Mandal Commission report so controversial?

Well, mainly because it affected so many people's job prospects. The report listed 2,399 backward castes or communities, and 837 of them were classified as 'most backwards.' This meant that the government would have to reserve a certain number of job opportunities for people from these groups.

Naturally, this generated a lot of opposition. Critics argued that the commission was penalizing people for their caste or community, and that it was preventing people from earning a livelihood based on their qualifications.

What Were the Immediate Consequences of the Report?

When the Mandal Commission report was first released, there were immediate consequences. The government, which was led by Prime Minister V.P. Singh at the time, was divided on how to react.

On the one hand, you had members of the government who felt that the recommendations of the report should be implemented immediately. They felt that this was a long-overdue step in redressing the wrongs that had been done to the lower castes over the years.

But on the other hand, you had members of the government who were vehemently opposed to the report. They saw it as a direct threat to their power and privilege, and they did everything in their power to stop it from being implemented.

Did It Succeed in Its Goals of Social Justice?

The Mandal Commission report was created with the goal of achieving social justice for the marginalized sections of Indian society. But did it succeed in this?

On the one hand, the report did bring to light the issue of caste discrimination and helped to create a national conversation about it. On the other hand, many people felt that the report went too far in its recommendations, and that it unfairly targeted upper-caste people.

In the end, the Mandal Commission report became a hated document because it was seen as dividing Indian society instead of uniting it.

What Can We Learn From the Mandal Commission Today?

You might be wondering why the Mandal Commission report became a hated document. After all, it was created with the intention of helping marginalized communities.

But here's the thing: change is always hard. And when it comes to something as big as the Mandal Commission report, there are always going to be people who resist it.

So what can we learn from the Mandal Commission today? First and foremost, we need to be open to change. We need to be willing to listen to what different communities have to say, and we need to be willing to make a difference.

And second, we need to remember that progress doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and dedication. Are you up for the challenge?


The Mandal Commission report is a document that attempted to address social justice in India. However, it became a hated document because it did not properly address the issues at hand. The report was seen as a way for the government to pacify the people and avoid taking any real action.

You might wonder why the Mandal Commission report became a hated document. After all, it was created with the intention of addressing social justice in India. However, the report did not properly address the issues at hand. In fact, many people saw it as a way for the government to pacify the people and avoid taking any real action.

If you're interested in learning more about the Mandal Commission report and why it became a hated document, be sure to read our latest blog post.

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